

+ Grants

What We Do

Concertus Design & Property Consultants can provide you with a solution that ensures you have the money and resources to be able to deliver your critical projects.

Supporting and writing an effective bid process can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and challenging. Fortunately, Concertus has a team of experts who can help you secure funding and our offer will deliver a single, consistent, client-centred service that reduces the burden of finding, applying for and commissioning in an agile and effective way.

We understand how crucial successful bidding for funding can be. Our dedicated team will work across
a wide range of business requirements and across various sectors, including regeneration, education (including SEND and SEN), condition, infrastructure, and charity funding. We will help develop the client’s vision and ensure that applications are written and tailored to meet specific needs and requirements.

We will provide support and guidance and assist in securing the funding required. With a proven track record of delivering successful applications, we are confident we have the expertise to help our partners achieve their goals.

Our Offering

Here’s how our Funding Service works:

  • Whilst our clients are busy running their businesses, the team at Concertus will be scanning the horizons for upcoming opportunities, reducing administration costs on our client enables them to worry less and engage more with the opportunities that are right for them.
  • It is important to review and test funding options to provide analysis and ensuring the decision making process is easy to engage with; more deliverable; and justifiable. This will help the clients to better understand the available funding opportunities and make informed decisions about which projects to pursue.
  • We focus on helping our clients scale the investible proposition. This means focusing on the essential elements that support their needs, showing value for money and underpinning proposals with viability and deliverability. By doing so, our clients make sure that their projects are not only feasible, but they are also financially viable and sustainable in the long run.
  • We ensure our clients understand the transactional requirements of the funding process. Meaning, we explore the contractual and governance arrangements that are necessary to make projects happen. By understanding the requirements and taking the necessary steps to meet them, the clients can avoid potential roadblocks and ensure that their projects are executed according to plan.
Concertus roadmap to successful funding applications